Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Tuesday Tidings
2002-02-12 - In the morning

Big day today...

  1. Make sure resume is updated.
  2. Make business cards
  3. Meet with boss and pseudo boss.
  4. Write up numerous forms to hire temporary replacement faculty for one of the counselors
  5. Get lunch. It's sushi day at The Commons! (No, not as good as my real California' Rollin stuff, but it stems off the sushi cravings.
  6. Print out resume and business cards.
  7. Go to job fair
  8. Make money???

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Oh, also, I have this snazzy guestbook thingie here now. If you want to leave me comments or such, you now have a place to do it. And if you don't want to... fine... then I'll just feel lonely. *sigh.*


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