Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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2002-02-13 - Brand spanking new day, brand sp

Wow. I started this at midnight. Time towatch the Sabres game on replay. I don't know what the score is, other than 1-0 in the first. I want to see 9 players crammed into the two penalty boxes. (no, my life doesn't rotate around hockey, i'd just say 'in geosynchronus orbit with hockey'. Ask a physics friend what that means.)

So, I went to that job fair today. Wasn't so great. There wasn't a whole heck of a lot of people looking for software developers. *sigh*

And then I noticed the error on my resume. *foof* I thought I had it all right, but I didn't. Granted, the error isn't too huge, but it kinda does make my resume look like it's a year out of date. :-( *sigh*. This makes me need to write better cover letters fot the jobs I'm applying at RIT.

Well, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


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