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This is too cool. Geeks rule!
2002-02-14 - In the AM

Okay, as much as I hate this stupid holiday invented by the greeting card companies, once in a while something cool happens... to CmdrTaco. Dude, that is so geeky. But I like it!

Taco isn't the first person to revert to the web. [Story time! *groans*] Back in HS in my senior year, I really wanted to go to the prom. Granted, I didn't want to go alone. So, I came up with a *really* cheesy plan. I made a web page. (I was serving as the school's webmaster anyways at that time. So, I made a page, hade a nice little javascript box come up and say, "XXXXXX, will you go to the prom with me?" complete with "Yes" and "No" buttons.

Luckily, she said yes, but unfortunatley later on, plans fell through *sigh*. It was totally cheesy, but one of my good friends got a kick out of it and thought it was a cool idea.

(And for the record for my senior prom, I went anyways. I became the fifth wheel with a couple of my friends who were going. We went up to Niagara Falls later that night. I can't tell you how depressive it is to be at Niagara Falls all alone on a night like that. Ah well. Can't have it all I guess.

So, I still wish you all a happy Paperclip Accident Awareness day. And, yes. I know nothing.


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