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The Chronicles of Stupid People, Part II
2002-02-19 - In the morning

Author's Note: You'll probably want to read Part I of the Chronicles of Stupid People before you read today's entry. It will save you time and grief of trying to figure out what the heck i'm talking about.

So, I called Holmes Products back today. I didn't even bother listening to the incorrect menu (not even worth it. Trust me.) I hurriedly press "82", hoping that I would get served immideatley. Apparently not. Instead of getting my problem taken care of, I got the following message. "Thank you for calling. Due to unusually high call volume, we are unable to take your call at this time. We ask that you please try your call again later. Our regular business hours are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard time. Thank you for your patience."

The message is followed by a dialtone.

At this point, I am thoroughly pissed off. I decide to start hammering their phone center. I make about 14 calls before *finally* getting through to...

Another queue! "All of our customer service specalists are busy, please hold", or some shit like that. (Anyway, if you read back to yesterday, this number is supposed to be "consumer product specalists", not "customer service agents". But I digress)

Note to self: I will NEVER buy products from Holmes for myself, or for my business affairs if I can avoid it.

After finally getting through, I give my name, and the date the order was placed and such. Without so much as a "please hold", I'm thrown back into the phone system, listening to an endless stream of ringing. Must have been at least 20 of those double rings before someone *finally* picks up. Wonderful lady then tells me that my order (placed on January 14th), shipped on January 25th via priority mail. (Which takes 2-3 days on average.) Unfortunatley, they can't do anything about it until about a month has passed, which happens to be... NEXT MONDAY!

At least now I have something to look forward to next Monday. *groans*

"Mommie! Make the dumb people stopppppp!!!!!!!"


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