Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Week update
2002-02-27 - In the afternoon

And so it's Wednesday again. halfway through the week, and less than half to go. Looks like it's going to be a short "rest of the week" for me. The Mischmobile is going in the shop today. *Sigh* Dammn car. Plus, there's hockey on Friday, and I'm going to leave early to go to the first game so I can heckle on Elmira and Manhattanville. (Yes, that means the Corner Crew welcomes both goalies to the corner.

We're trying to come up with something creative for the intorductions at the first game though. Chanting "It just doesn't matter" seems like the way to go.

Too bad i'm going to miss the game on Saturday. *sigh* 12 Corners is going to be bad because we just don't have the people here to help out this weekend.

Ah well. Back to the grind and boredom of having *nothing* to do. *sigh*


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