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Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Sea of No Cares
2002-03-13 - Late at night

My highlight has been a surprising 2 days of productivity. Granted, it's the beginning of the new quarter at RIT this week, and we have all kinds of students coming in with all kinds of problems, but it's not that.

Something in me changed. I don't know what it is, but something inside me has called for a change, and it's really starting to show. I'm still losing weight, it feels like my whole life is changing right before my very eyes.

Today's burst of productivity came via the department of Computer Science, where I went today to talk to Hank about getting my co-op's accepted for credit. It took an hour of wrangling down people, but they're accepting them. I filled out the paperwork and dashed off to my old place of employment to have my former boss sign them.

It was strange going back there. I caught Chris in the parking lot, obviously just off a smoke break. Mike was at his desk hammering away at the code with his big headset on listening to tunes. There was some new co-op in my old desk. Scary, he sorta looked like me. Matt was in his office, and there was a woman there with him. (Granted, it was an employee who was visiting from another division, but still...). Food Mike's old desk was just as empty as ever. Apparently since he left and took his trip across the USA, he's come back and is now making subs. (I kid you not... gone from computers to subs.) Apparentle, he's the manager over at Amiel's in Greece, NY. Kevin is still the same old kevin, we reminisced about old times, and I saw how much things have changed.

And then I rememberd how much I missed working there. The damn good (for a co-op) salary I was making, the fun I had with my cow orkers, I grabbed the papers from Jim's desk and ran out from there, got to my car and cried. I cried like I cried the day I left there, only with nobody to stop me that time. It was kinda sad...

But i'm getting shit accomplished, and that's good. As Great Big Sea's new album says "I threw my fear in the sea of no cares"... and there's nothing to stop me now.


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