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Pretty Piece of Paper
2002-03-25 - A little later in the morning

Well, things do get better. I am no longer an RIT Student. I am now an RIT Alumnus. And a member of the staff too, but that's besides the point. I'm done, i'm graduated, i'm finished I have a degree.

I have a pretty piece of paper.

Well, it's not even pretty. It's a printout from SIS that says "Degree Action: Certified, Degree: BS, Quarter of Graduation: WINT 2001-2002, Program: CSG"

Even when the diploma arrives, it isn't a pretty piece of paper. (I've seen other people's diplomas. They aren't pretty. We have a whole school of design,a nd we can't get something that doesn't look like a secretary printed it out hastily on a laser printer just a few minutes before the graduation ceremony.

I've seen other people's diplomas. Zaph had his hanging over his desk when I went Frutripping over fall break a couple of years ago. (Coincidentally, the same Frutrip where I first met Mocksie. ) Zaph's degree looked so cool just hanging there over his desk. Even Robb's (my cow-orkers') degreee from SUNY Brockport looks cool hanging in his office.

I hope mine looks as cool hanging in over my desk.


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