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2002-03-25 - Morning

Monday? Morning? Good?

Three words that shouldn't be put together, but, strangely enough, it looks like it might be a nice Monday.

I think it started when I got ito the car. I flipped my radio from WNSA, where I had been listening to the Sabres pull out an eventual 3-2 OT win yesterday, to WBER, "The Only Station That Matters". Of course, what did I hear this morning? Great Big Sea's Sea of No Cares. Did I mention how much I like that song? :-D Oh yeah, I did.

Well, there's still lots more of Monday to be gotten through today, so there is the potential for things to go downhill. But, there's also the potential for things to get much much better :-) I'm hoping for the latter :-)


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