Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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2002-03-26 - In the morning.

I was right . I knew Monday would come back to bite me in the ass. *sigh*

I thought it was going to be a great day. Well, it wasn't a great day, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. Started out good, but then went south when a former co-worker IM'ed me.

KM:Hey Mischler...
Me:hey K... what's up?
KM:We all got laid off. Our last day is Friday.
KM:Except J, whose last day is end of the month
KM:Yeah, it was really sudden
KM:Last Friday morning J was told by A, then he told us
Me:i'm sorry to hear that.
KM:Andy tried to fight it, but the decision was made in Germany to axe some jobs
KM:So they closed the Rochester office and also made cuts in Reston.
Me:figured they could axe the office and save more money.
Me:damn i'm sorry to hear that.
KM:yeah, it sucks. But at least they gave us severance pay
Me:that sucks.
KM:plus I get paid for the vacation I didn't use up - which is up to 102 hours for me
Me:well, that's not too bad.
KM:Anyway, just wanted to let you know so you didn't stop by the office again sometime and wonder where everyone was.

I mean, I remember when I got laid off... man, that was rough. Now I have to multiply that by 7 and try to imagine what it's like for them. Mike D, and the other co-op... they're young, they're still in school... they'll find other things. Matt... he's going wherever the hell he wants, and there's nobody who can tell him otherwise. Chris, I know he's probably not tied down here. Kevin, he's tied down here, so he's going to have to find something. He said i shouldn't be surprised if I find him working at a sub shop. (Well, you gotta bay for that Beamer somehow, man!). Jim is kinda pooched, because he just bought a house. Granted, he could turn around and sell it, but, even then.

Later in the day at the gym, I didn't get my usual locker. While it may be no big deal for most people, for me, it's almost superstitious. I *always* take #694... but some little weasel beat me to it by 30 seconds. *bah*. Then I had a not so good workout. I couldn't finish it because I felt a bit woozy.

Well, life it 10% what happens to me, and 90% about how I react to it. Today is a new day, and i know today can be better.


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