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Five for Friday.
2002-03-29 - In the AM

Begin Friday, it is of course now time for the Friday Five:

1. If you could eat dinner with and "get to know" one famous person (living or dead), who would you choose? I don't know. Dar Williams? I'd love to pick her brain.

2. Has the death of a famous person ever had an effect on you? Who was it and how did you feel? Not really.

3. If you could BE a famous person for 24 hours, who would you choose? Vance Gilbert. I want to see the world through his eyes. I want to feel what he feels. And I want to have mad guitar playing skills too.

4. Do people ever tell you that you look like someone famous? Who? Ummm... Probably. But I don't remember.

5. Have you ever met anyone famous? Yup. I've met various hockey players, fairly famous folk musicians, all the members of Moxy Fruvous. Good enough?


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