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o/~ Friday, friday.... so good to me o/~
2002-04-12 - In the Afternoon

In keeping with my tradition of having very boring Friday afternoons, I assure you that today will be no different.

An old friend stopped by my office today. She used to be a counselor where I worked, until she left (permanently) for maternity leave (while I was out on-co-op). She was kinda surprised to see me back here.

She also had a tag-along... her 8 month old baby boy Daniel.

He's such a cutie. I learned his sign name too. It's a D shape, brushed along the cheek, much like a cat would brush a whisker. (You learn something new every day :-) )

The weather here has taken a change for the better. While just a couple of weeks ago, you could have come here and seen snow, it's warmed up a lot outside. The sun is actually shining, bright enough to make me wish I had my sunblock here. It's 72 degrees out, and I'm stuck in my office. I've changed into my _shorts_, if you can believe it ;-)

There hasn't been a damn thing to do all day, because I've pawned the most menial tasks off on my wonderful student assistant (who'd better get my brownie pan back here!)

This weekend should be fun. I'm going to play some volleyball with friends tonight, then going to see The Arrogant Worms in Freeeeeedonia.

Should be fun.

Oh, good article continuing the "Scientology vs. The Internet" debacle on slashdot today, covering the poor use of a bad law like the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Maybe you can find out about Scientology here. (Woo hoo! GoogleBomb!)

Definitley worth a read.


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