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Lessons learned
2002-04-15 - In the AM

Today, I learned 2 lessons.

1. Be a good samaratin. But that doesn't exted into me being nice to a good samaratin. As I was driving down the road into the heart of RIT today, I noticed a little thing plodding across the road. Probably a turtle. It wasn't on my side of the road.

Ahead of me was a parked car. Roughly 200 yards seperated me and the next car in front of me.

Imagine my surprise that the guy in the parked car waited until I was almost next to his car to open his door really wide and step out! D'oh! Good thing there was nobody in the far lane, because I had to cross the double yellow lines to avoid clipping him and his car door.

Then I noticed him walking backwards to (I assume) grab the turtle and help it cross the road. (Why *did* the turtle cross the road?)

Lesson #2: Carrying a cellphone.

I never noticed this before. Visibly carrying a cell phone at NTID makes you a "marked man." It marks you as "hearing" in a Deaf world. Pretty much the same way that hearing aids mark a hard of hearing person in the hearing world. Interesting.

Oh, and bah. No hot water in the apartment this morning. :-( No hot water == no shower == grumpy Paul.


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