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Thoughts for twosday.
2002-04-16 - In the AM

Congrats to my friends and RIT alumni Don Rider and Matt Bernius for their work on starting their own theatre company.

Curtain rises on company

Last year, two Rochester Institute of Technology graduates with a passion for theater -- Don Rider and Matthew Bernius -- decided to start their own local troupe. The Exact Theatre Company assembled 12 volunteers and began rehearsals in the renovated auditorium at the Visual Studies Workshop.

Most of the cast members have links to RIT and "plan to approach RIT for a formal relationship," says Rider, the managing director. The theater will stage three plays in 2002-2003 as well as Jean Genet's The Balcony in August.

Today [Sunday] marks the theater's debut with two plays by David Ives, Long Ago and Far Away and Ancient History.

In other news, two of my friends broke up yesterday. It's kind of sad. They need some time apart.

Poor guy. Poor girl. I'm hurting for both of them.

Oh well. It's 80 degrees outside, the sun is shining, and I'm stuck inside working. *sigh*


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