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A cool mousepad
2002-04-16 - At night

Dude... this rocks...

I've been doing some work on an Open Source project. (CyberCalendar, if you must know).

I started answering some questions about the program, from my own experience in using it. I also wrote a few utility programs to do some nifty things that the program wasn't originally able to do.

The main beneficiary of my work was KSNT-27, an NBC affiliate based out of Topeka, Kansas.

Yes, the middle of nowhere.

What my work did is makes the calendar on the front page of their site display a list of community events. No big deal.

Well, to them, it was a big deal. And being the nice people that they are, they sent me a mousepad. It's a nice mousepad too. It has their logo "27 News, Coverage you can count on" across the top, and along the bottom. It's purty.

You see, they didn't have to do a single thing for me, except leave my copyright notice in the source code, and distribute the source code that I helped write if they distribute the program.

This is the beauty of the GNU General Public Licesnse. This is what makes Free (as in beer/speech) Software things like Linux (and the GNU tools that go along with it).

All I get is the good feeling that the code I wrote is going to benefit mankind. And it will be open for all to see for all time. Oh, and I have a purty mousepad too.

Damn, I'd better go back and fix that code. If it's going to be out for everyone to see, I don't want my fly left down. ;-)


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