Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Of //00tedness and poopiness
2002-04-18 - Early in the AM

Where would we be without an entry where I complain about things? Fear not fair (and not so fair, but I love you guys anyways) readers, I shall have a dish of yummy bad vibes for you to digest.

But, of course, we have to get in touch with the good side. There was plenty of "good" today. The sun was shining, it was warm out. I wore shorts to work today. I'm going to wear pants tomorrow because my boss has a big presentation tomorrow, and one can never tell if one is going to be called in to provide service. (We're talking the Washington DC group that oversees the actions of our college, so this is a big deal. I'm going to make my boss a card.

She's been stressing about this presentation for a couple of days. She's a strong woman, and she doesn't show it, but there's been a *teensy* little edge in her step for the past couple of days.

She deserves it. She works so hard for this department. She'd do well to learn when to delegate responsibilities to her co-workers... but that's all i'm going to say about her that is bad. (Heck, that's all I can say about her that is bad. :-)

In the bad news today, I'm pissed at an ATM. It swallowed my card for no apparent reason. I didn't even get to enter my pin number or anything. It just sorta slid in, I heard it bang around a few times, like it was trying to re-scan it internally, and then a blink of the screen, and nothingness.

I called HSBC, but I was really worried that somebody had messed with the machine, so I had my card cancelled. (They would have been able to retrieve it if there were no problems, but I didn't feel like I was in a trusting mood.) Worse than that, it's going to take a week (or more) to get a replacement. Not to mention the fact that I'll have to change all the things that charge to my credit card... including that back ordered-copy of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 1 on DVD from outpost.

So, I'm stuck having to go to the bank tomorrow to get money. I'll have to write a *check*... and *interact with humans* *gasp*.

In other news, my pretty piece of paper has arrived at home. Well, it's not so bretty, but it does say "With High Honors". Yay.


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