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Le Mozilla 1.0 RC1 est arrive!
2002-04-19 - Just past midnight

Okay, I'm going to retreat into geekiness for a little while here to tell you all about the Mozilla project.

Mozilla is "Whatever happened to Netscape?" Basically, Netscape decided that they would release the source code for Netscape Communicator. They wanted to have the open source community build a new browser.

Well, this didn't exactly work. You see, Netscape was still building from the same base code since early versions. The net effect, imagine trying to make a better car, when all you have is a 78 Rustbucked $100 special being held together by duct tape and bubble gum.* You can't make it better. Easier to just build a new car.

That's what they did. They scrapped virtually all of the original Netscape code.

The result, Mozilla.

Mozilla is a web browser, e-mail client, and contact manager all rolled into one. I've been using it as my primary web browser for quite some time, and it's REALLY good.

Some of the features: _you_ control javascript functions. You hate popup ads? Well, Mozilla can stop them from opening up. Basically, you hit a checkbox and tell Mozilla: "Don't open popups unless I request them" That means, if you click on a link, and a new window would open, it would open. BUt not those stipd ones that come when the page loads. :-)

Other features: It's not Micro$loth. :-) It's "Free", released under the Mozilla Public License.

Come join the revolution. Change your browsers today!


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