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Friday Five
2002-04-19 - In the AM

It's Friday. That can mean only one thing. Friday Five. The only problem is, I know so little about this weeks topics, because I watch oh so much TV.

1. What's your favorite TV show and why? Iron Chef. What can I say? I'm a food junkie! I love seeing wht they come up with in every show. I just wish that the Food Network could post the recipies to some of the things that get made.

2. Who is your favorite television star? I don't really have a favorite star per se... there's lots of different shows that I watch... so if I really had to say someone, I would have to say Rick Jenarette (sp?) who broadcasts the Sabres games.

3. What was your favorite TV show as a child? I did watch a lot of TV growing up. Star Trek: The Next Generation was probably my most religiously watched show... though I don't remember exactly.

4. What show do you think should have been cancelled by now? Ummm... MTV's TRL.

5. What new show do you hope escapes the axe this season? Umm... what shows are on TV right now? What do I watch regularly? Umm... I have no idea.


Hosted by Diaryland