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Administrative Professional's Day
2002-04-24 - In the morning

Cleaned my desk last night.

It was a mess. I had papers piled up nearly a foot in some places. Of course, that will not do. I began going through the crap there, deciding what should be saved, what should be filed, what should be shredded what should be recycled, and what should be plain old tossed out.

Found lots of old memories while I was searching through there... the City Magazine writeup for the first 12 Corners Coffeehouse held at RIT... a nice card my parents sent me as a congratulations for graduating. (One of those inspirational cards a picture of a beautiful red rose on it, and the word QUALITY and its definition on it. You probably have seen these on posters or something.)

I filed old bills away too... there were things in my "to be filed" box that were from December... back about the time my self-created lethargy set in.

I'm running out of bookshelf space in my room, so I grabbed a spare pair of book ends and set them up on my desk along with some of my latest book purchases.

It looks a lot better now, and it's more liveable. I do need to spend some more time cleaning up the place and making it more presentable to myself... but it works for now :-)

I also dug out my 2002 Dilbert cartoon-a-day calendar that I bought myself as a "Moving In" present. I didn't open it... I don't know why. Maybe the thought of not having a real working place of my own kept me from changing things around to make my workspace feel like it is truly my own.

Today is also Administrative Professional's day. Not that anyone has noticed or anything, but then again, there is a big department meeting in the middle of campus today, so nobody has been around to say anything. *sigh* I hope somebody does. Although I want this to be the only one where I am a secretary, it would be nice if someone remembered.

Update: About an hour later

Okay, I withdraw my comment on being forgotten on Secretary's day. My boss came in with a card, a gift certificate, and a bottle of Ben & Jerry's Hot Fudge. Other than the fact that I don't like chocolate, it was nice. The card was cute too :-) "This jar contains complete fudge nirvana. To get the most out of your experience, we suggest a spoon, a bowl, some Ben & jerry's ice cream, & no discretion whatsoever."


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