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Chronicles of Stupid People, Part VIII
2002-04-30 - Just past midnight

Wow. I'm amazed. Just when you thought Monday couldn't get any stupider, well, it does.

Here's the deal. I'm still on RIT's all-students mailing list. Tonight, they soent out an emergency e-mail telling people about a phone service outage that will affect up to 20% of the dorms from 5 to 6 (maybe) AM.

The e-mail reads as follows:

Attention All Residence Hall Students:

On Tuesday morning, April 30, 2002 between 5:00 AM and 6:00 AM, emergency repairs will be performed on the RIT telephone switch. These repairs may potentially affect 20% of the telephones in the residence halls....

[snip portion about Campus Safety Officers being positioned visibly in the middle of each quad, and noting that you can still reach campus safety by cell phone...]

Final paragraph: If there are any questions about this, please contact Campus Safety at 5-2853.

Ahh yes. Call campus safety with questions about your phone service being out. Hmm... that'll work. Yeah. The stupidity vortex strikes again!


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