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Chronicles of Stupid People, Part VII
2002-04-29 - In the AM

This morning was not fun.

Why do we allow stupid drivers on the road? I was all set to get to work on time, allowing for normal driving.

Buuuut... Mr. "I have California plates" Moron at the first light decided to "stop-on-green" and not make a right turn on green. It is people like this that need to lose the right to breed. Green means go.

I thought that maybe this was just an isolated incident. But nooooo... i think a sudden outburst of the stupidity vortex opened up over Rochester last night. Maybe it started with RIT President Al Simone at the RIT All Governance Awards Banquet rehashing his "smile" speech and sounding like a complete idiot in front of all the student leaders again. (like he did last year, with his infamous "every religion has the ten commandments.... more or less" comment.

The stupidity vortex let out another lightning bolt that hit the driver of a truck on Brighton-Henrieta Townline Road. I don't know what the driver was thinking, but I definitley noticed that we were slowing down... way down... The previously mentioned Mr. California was in front of me stiil, plus another 2 cars, then this huge truck. It slowed down... it slowed down some more... I know I came to a complete stop as we waited for this moron to figure out just what the hell he was doing.

Finally, after crawling for about 400 more yards, the truck made a (slow) right turn and got out of my lane.

Soon after, the "Volts" light went on inside my car. Greeeeeat. It's Monday! That'll probably be a few hundred dollars to get fixed. *sigh*


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