Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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2002-05-14 - In the morning

Oh joy. It's been freshman registration here at work this week. The network has been running a wee bit slow too (well, for getting e-mails at least).

Like Angie, I'm going to be seeing Star Wars, Episode II on Thursday at 12:01 AM. I am going to be picking up my ticket for the show sometime after work today. I have friends that will be outside on Wednesday to (try) and get us some good seats. I have this strange feeling that I'm going to be stuck watching the movie from a god awful seat. *crossing fingers*

In other Rochester news, it's raining. (Go figure!) It's cold, it's wet, it's gloomy, and it sucks. It's not even looking like it will let up here. The fields around RIT ahve turned into lakes. It's so strange seeing these big trees popping up out of the middle of what looks to be a big pond. Al Simone (el presidente of RIT) probably forgot to pay the weather bill this week. *bah* Wednesday, partly sunny (thankfully), then thursday, friday, and saturday... rain. *bleeping* Lilac Festival will probably be washed out this year. *sigh*

It will improve... All things will improve. I hope.


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