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Attack of the Star Wars Geek Clones
2002-05-15 - Lunch time

*Does a giddy Star Wars Episode 2 bounce*

Okay, well, not really. I'm going to the 12:01 AM showing with a bunch of my friends. (They're getting in line presently as I speak). I know it's all hype, but I know that i'm going more to be with my friends than anything else. Okay, I want to enjoy the movie as well. But i'm really going to be with my friends.

I finally tuned in to ^kat^'s Marathon Eclectic Cafe 6 hour extravaganza. It was nice to hear ^kat^ on the radio again. I hadn't tuned in for a really long time. She had guest DJ's in studio (JillMom and ^kat^Dad.) She even played my requested song, Bank Accounts, by Sarah Slean :-) Did I mention that ^kat^ is a great person? Gotta love knowing DJ's :-)

Something else that has been taking up a large amount of my time is getting caught up on Sluggy Freelance. I'm really starting to see the wonder in that cartoon. It's right up there on my list of links with User Friendly. I'm already up to September of 99 on the Sluggy Archives... 2 years down, 2+ to go. Back to reading!


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