Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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*insert THX trailer sound here*
2002-05-16 - In the morning

*grabs head*

*does Jedi wave*

*This is not the office of the overly tired staff assistant that you are looking for*

*damn, it doesn't work*

So, thanks to the work of a few of my friends (Dan and Jackie, and Jonesy, a < A HREF="">bunch of my friends saw Star Wars, Episode 2 in damn good seats right in the middle of the cinema. The whole night is still pretty much a blur in my head, so I'm going to recap the highlights, giving away as few plot points as possible. (I don't want to be a spoiler.) Quotes of the night:
"Ooooh! Perky!"

"And welcome back to PG"
Ryan "Obi Ben Wah" Jonesy

"It's spaceball city!

Well worth the wait. *gets down on knees to thank Dan and Jackie for getting us good spots. :-) You guys rock!

While there, I also ran into a bunch of other people that I know. Angie, and former roomie Colleen. I got to meet a few of Angie's cool friends too, and catch up on a little bit of old times while waiting in line. I jumped off into the arcade for a little while, blowing a buck on 2 games of crazy taxi, then blowing a buck on 2 (+4 free) games of pinball. mmmmmm... pinball. so much fun :-)

I saw Colleen inside the auditorium itself, and snuck up on her and gave her a big bear hug. She's doing pretty good for herself, started a new job this week apparently, but, unfortunatley, lost a fiancee too. Poor girl. I know she'll find someone.

I actually got recognized by someone while waiting at the snack bar too. He knew I was at RIT... which is kinda scary. Even knew all the guys from Chuck's Mom. //00t.

Okay... I think that's all. I'm going to hopefully get a nap in this afternoon. Yeah right. Gimmie caffine or gimmie death. And bring me a bagel. And a harem.


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