Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Tomorrow's Friday!
2002-06-13 - In the morning.

So, last night's Mozilla party didn't happen. *sigh* I was really looking forward to dinner at the Dinosaur. So, with my hopes so dashed, I realized I didn't even want to wait for Dinosaur takeout. I decided to instead go for sushi instead. It was good, saw the owner of the place, Tom Beaman there. Heard some juicy tidbits about the future of the place (that I don't want to repeat here, but it sounds very good :-)

After coming home, I spent some time chatting with friends, then eventually went to get food late-night @ Jay's Diner with my friend Jac. We talked about all sorts of things, boy troubles, work troubles, and the meaning of life. Same old, same old.

Today I have to get ready for the Clearwater festival. I'm so excited about it, except for the weather forecast, which is looking like it's going to be "cool and rainy" *sigh* I guess you can't have them all... but this is my vacation we're talking about here!



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