Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Clearwater Sunday, Midninght
2002-06-16 - Midnight

Day one of the festival ended much as it started... with rain. As I sit here in my tent trying to scratch out cohesive entries, (Must remember a flashlight for next year!!), I can say that I had a good day. Lucy Kaplansky's set was wonderful. I even heard rumors that Interpreter Dave showed up late this evening, after having a wedding to go to in Syracuse.

I spent some more time with Gella, Gordon, Carey, and Melissa on the tarp. After seeing the bunch off at the gate after the last set, I walked back to the lodge where volunteer party was taking place. I sat down and relaxed and chatted with my friend Cindi. We traded tales of soaking wet Friday nights, and tales of how we spent our Saturdays. She got an earful of tidbits on DVN, and the Nields. I learned of her tales of woe for forgetting to bring a tarp to sit on.

I also shared my camera pictures, which look like they might be ok.

I'm looking forward to what tomorrow may bring, as my touch typing skills finally return in the dark.

More later.


Hosted by Diaryland