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Getting back in the swing of it
2002-06-21 - Early in the AM

So, it's been a while since I've had a real entry. I've been busy with the Clearwater Great Hudsonr River Revival festival posts. So, I should probably update you on what's been going on since then.

As I said, I went to see "Convenience" last Thursday. I also bought the soundtrack to the show. I can't believe it. There's a song on the soundtrack that can make me cry. "Little Spaceman", a song of a young boy dreaming of being a spaceman, and also the loss of a relationship between a mother and her son.

I hate songs that make me cry.

But I'll make an exception for this one. I took the soundtrack to work with me on Monday. Well, I took half the soundtrack, as I left the second disc in my Jukebox waiting to be played. D'oh.

Monday: Went to the Old Toad with a few friends and won tickets to go to the LPGA tournament this weekend. Woo hoo! Not bad for remembering Duncan Yo-Yo's :-)

Otherwise, the week has been pretty slow, working on my new website, updating photo galleries, and other such things.

Happy Friday everyone!

Oh yeah... I wanted to bring this to peoples attention: The death of Internet Radio. As you may or may not be aware, the Copyright Office has set royalty rates for webcasters. This is a good & bad thing. While this sends money back to the record companies to "pay the artists for their music", money is being sent back to the Recording Industry, and not nessecairly into the artists pockets. The rates were set at half of what RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) wanted, but at a still high price to pay for webcasters. For a good picture of what is at stake, you may wish to read here, and here . Even the status of non-commercial broadcasters (like WBER) is up in the air at this point. Personally, this sucks, and this is an issue we need to take up with our legislative representatives.


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