Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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2002-07-03 - In the morning

Got a nibble today on a job lead :-) /me is mildly optimistic. :-)

Strange thing I saw today, on a pasta & sauce bag that I bought at Weggies the other day "Made with real parmesan and romano cheeses!" As opposed to what? Fake cheese? Mock frog?

Mocksie has redesigned her diary again. Damn, it looks good. I need to work on my mad design skillz yo.

I managed to survive the heat yesterday by drinking lots and lots of water, and by passing out next to my air conditioner.

We wait all winter for it to warm up in Rochester, and then we'll wait all summer for it to cool off. *sigh* We can't make up our minds.


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