Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Weekend Update
2002-07-15 - In the morning

Had a good weekend. Saturday was the Corn Hill arts festival... but I already wrote about that.

Sunday was spent at the Genesee Country Villiage & Museum where a bunch of friends and I saw a pretty cool Civil War battle re-enactment, complete with cannons, black powder rifles, and soldiers. I *must* remember to bring ear plugs to things like this.

Lst night was spent messing around with my computer. I took most of the evening and slapped a copy of Linux into a new partition. I'm amazed at how fast the thing is running on the big box (800 MHz Athlon processor) as compared to my older linux box (a PII-233 box). I mean, I porbably did the same thing the first time I ran Windoze on the new box... but this is GNU/Linux... this is cooler... and I am a geek. Not that we didn't know that already. <GEEK> me </GEEK>

yeah, I'm going to be playing with that some more tonight. (It even runs my TV Tuner cards! Woo hoo!)


Hosted by Diaryland