Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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2002-07-23 - Just round midnight

I am in the middle of a feud. Thankfully, I'm not the target of the feud, but I get to walk the narrow picket fence. Damnit, why do I always have to be neutral Switzerland? On one hand, I have one friend who wronged another, yet I do care deeply about him. On the other hand, the friend who was wronged, but I care deeply about her!!!

Gah! No wonder I keep losing my hair.

Things like this always make me think about a joke I read in Reader's Digest...

A little girl says to her mother: "Mommy, why is your hair turning white?"

Mother: "Because every time you do something I don't like, one of my hairs turns white."

Daughter thinks about it for a while, then runs off and comes back witha picture of her grandmother.

Daughter: "Mommy, why is all of grandma's hair white?"

Why am I walking this picket fence? Why me? Why was I chosen? I have enough of my own problems to deal with right now. I can't find a real job, I don't have health insurance, I need it... and so much else.

I can't solve your problems. Krupkie, We've got troubles of our own.

I'm here to listen. For now, that's all.


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