Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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When we last left our hero...
2002-08-25 - Just about midnight.

I had a most wonderful Friday night. I went to see F'loom play at a place called Writer's and Books, essentially, a neat little place designed to support the arts, featuring guest lectures from writers, authors, and classes in the arts. I never really had been down into that section of University Ave before. It looks nice. Wouldn't mind living down there.

As I was saying, F'loom was really fun. Imagine, if you would, a cappella music melting away into a Salvador Dali painting. You can make out words and phrases and the random coherent phrase. You have to see them live to really understand.

Afterwards, I decided to head over to Spot Coffee. Halfway there, I realized that this was the first time this summer that I had gone somewhere on my own. No friends accompanying me, or going to meet me there. Just me, myself, and I. And it also occured to me, while I was sitting there, sipping my Scarlet iced tea, and eating a peanut butter cookie, that I came to the stark realization that I had no idea how to even approach someone to say hello.

It appears that I have no inheret social skills whatsoever.

And that made me depressed.

I realized that if I move somewhere else to get a job, that's probably what it's going to be like. Sure, I'll probably end up somewhere I can befriend a fellow Fruhead, but still... I just can't force myself into another person's life. Been there, tried that, didn't work.

Man, I need a job.


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