Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Clothing? We don't need no stinking clothing?
2002-08-30 - Too Early In The Morning

Clothes? Bah. Who needs 'em? Apparently the Friday Five does. Please excuse my awful answers.

1. What's your favorite piece of clothing that you currently own? A jersey for the band Fruvous.

2. What piece of clothing do you most want to acquire? Good question. I think what I want to get are Falcon Ridge Folk Festival T-shirts dated 2003 through at least 2043.

3. What piece of clothing can you not bring yourself to get rid of? Why? Any clothes right now, considering how little money I have.

4. What piece of clothing do you look your best in? Shirt, tie, sport coat, pants, dark socks and nice shoes. I am a stunner in that.

5. What has been your biggest fashion accident? Did I ever mention the time I went to Pirhana... I was so dressed wrong for that. Felt the same way at Java's last night.


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