Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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Friday Five Time!
2002-09-13 - 11:35 a.m.

*does best cheerleader imitation* Friday five! Friday five! *yaaaaaay!*

1. What was/is your favorite subject in school? Why? Compputer class! It's what really led me down the road into the position I'm in. Of course, I could really say it was my math classes since those were fun and I really did have a good grasp of what I was doing.

2. Who was your favorite teacher? Why? It's hard to decide, but I'd have to say either Dr. Licata, who was my chemistry teacher back in high school, of Dr. Levi, who was the choir director. Both of them were really cool people who treated us more like the young adults we were than the high school students that we happened to be. They kept their classes fun and exciting.

3. What is your favorite memory of school? The only one I seem to remember is getting in trouble in elementary school for picking up little stones and dropping them. Apparently, somebody thought that I was throwing them. (True story.)

4. What was your favorite recess game? Games? We don't need no stinking games... not when we have a big 'ol playground to go play on :-)

5. What did you hate most about school? The people. Being the outcast is no fun. Especially if you manage to keep that title for nearly your whole college career.


Hosted by Diaryland