Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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I want to know what you think!
Friday Five.
2002-09-20 - Just past midnight.

Like crazy people at Falcon Ridge, I'm getting a jump on all you slackers about getting my answers down.

1. Would you say that you're good at keeping in touch with people? Hmm. Depends who it is. My parents? Not as good as I should be. My friends here? I'm all over 'em like a bum on a baloney sandwich.

2. Which communication method do you usually prefer/use: e-mail, telephone, snail mail, blog comments, or meeting in person? Why? Out of the list, e-mail. It's cold, impersonal, and I can spellcheck it. But nothing can compare to good old face to face contact.

3. Do you have an instant messenger program? How many? Why/why not? How often do you use it? Yes I do. Two of them. If I'm on-line, you can probably leave me a message.

4. Do most of your close friends live nearby or far away? We live all over the place. Some are a lot closer than others.

5. Are you an "out of sight, out of mind" person, or do you believe that "distance makes the heart grow fonder"? Hmm... If I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind, or so I think.


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