Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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It's not green!
2002-10-15 - In the morning

This morning I took a look outside my window. 7:30 AM, I really had no choice since it was for a job interview. (Paul groggy! Get caffiene!) I saw the strangest thing. Rust. It wasn't green outside anymore. It was rust-colored. It can only mean one thing of course, here comes autumn! I'm expecting this to be a tremendous weekend for color outside. It's so nice, but it got so cold out so quickly.

Last night was fun. After game night, I hit the store, and bought a bunch of apples. With the apples, I'm giving a shot to a new recipie, apple sorbet. The result of last night's work was something that looked a whole lot like homemade apple sauce. (Might be called applejack in some circles.) The smell was so wonderful. Cook some gala apples in apple cider and take a whiff of the result. If I didn't know that I had cooked apples, i would have sworn I had just cooked some mango. Yum.

Well, that's enough rambling for now.


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