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Zombie Me says: "must eat jobzzzzzzzzz"
2002-10-22 - In the morning

In the good news category, I just found out this morning, that i haven't been passed over for a position that I applied for. They've just been overwhelmed with applications and haven't gotten back to anyone yet. (seven weeks later though...) It's alright, considering that one interview I had last week came from a resume that was sent in August. Gotta keep on looking.

UserFriendly is pretty topical today. I can't tell you how many times I've seen ads looking for... let's say, 7+ years of Java experience, even though it's really only been popular for less than that... If you're looking for that much experience, then you're looking for someone who was on the original development team for Java at Sun.

Ah well. 2 interviews this week anyway. Go me :-)


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