Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Friday Five Time
2002-11-01 - In the morning

Ahh, the dreaded Religion questions. Happy Friday to you too!

1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith? Seems like I'm another Roman Catholic

2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not? No. I have sever issues with the church and it's teachings. They cannot be reconciled.

3. What do you think happens after death? I don't know. I giggled when I saw this in a computer game: "Here lies an atheist. All dressed up and no place to go."

4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)? I still go with my parents to mass to make them feel better. I still enjoy the singing, and the sense of community, even though I don't share the same faith.

5. Do you believe people are basically good? Yes, I believe that it is their environment that can make them bad. Everyone has a certain resistance to bad things, but, if it crosses that line, then a person can become evil. I think it's more based on karma than anything else.


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