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Christmas Holiday #2
2002-12-28 - In the evening

Remote journaling brings Christmas Entry #2:

Tuesday? Just as crazy as Monday. I drove over to my parents' shop. I stopped at Cheetowaga Police Department Substation #4 (a.k.a. Tim Hortons on Wherle Dr.) to pick up a coffeemug. Sadly, they didn't have the one I wanted (it was only a cheap one since I left my regular one in Rochester.) So, I drove over to the nearby Amherst Police Substation #3 (aka Tim Hortons on Main Street.) Williamsville seems to be turning into Tim Hortonsville. I remember me and some of my friends got temporarily misplaced leaving Fort Erie. We found 4 Tim Hortons withing 2 blocks.

Speaking of which, Williamsville doesn't feel the same as it used to. Places have disappeared... Kenyon's Variety on Main Street has been gone fo some time. Precision Bicycles across the street closed too. I remember when that store took up just one quarter of the plaza. It grew to take over the whole front of the plaza... and suddenly *boom* it's gone!

There's a new Wegmans down the street from my parents house. In march, they tore down the existing one and completley rebuilt it. It's nice, the interior layout reminds me of the store they have in Gates.

Mom took me out for dinner Monday night at Soupherb, a restauraunt on Sheridan drive in Williasmville. One of the best damn kept secrets in the area, I might say! I'vegone by there dozens of times, but never really stopped there. Let's just say that it inspired me to get my mom a gift certificate for chirstmas.

But, other than that, the town is still pretty much the same. A few businesses closed, a few new ones opened, a couple moved, and Might Taco was still there. *YUM*

Christmas with the family was great. just me, my mom, and my dad. Quiet. Too quiet, especially when compared to last year. 3 people and 8 inches of snow, instead of 22 and 76 inches of snow. I had to make up for the absence of little kids, so "Mom!?!? When's breakfast!!!??!" I yelled as I threw a fake tantrum just efore breakfast. Mom loved it.

Gifts were exchanged. Mom got many new Santas. Mom and Dad traded shows. Dad is taking mom to see The Phantom of the Opera when it returns to Buffalo. Mom is taking Dad to Toronto to see The Lion King. (And yes, he is going. There will be NO scouting activities that night.)

Santa was good to me too, as I got most of what I wanted. Of course, constant readers will know what I want, and that's a job. No one can give that to me, I have to go out and earn it myself. But, the other gift will be well used, as I'm going to find myself watching my DVD's with the new sound system. :-D

It's quiet here. Too quiet. "MOM!!! WHEN'S DINNER!?!?!?"


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