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Care Package!
2003-01-08 - At Night

Rock on.

WBER sent me a care package of stuff for having my big three selected for the Friday Morning Show. I think the care package could accuratley be called "The things that get piled up at WBER over the course of a week."

There were four padded envelopes of various sizes sitting underneath with my mailbox. Imagine my surprise when I saw that they were all rubber banded together and addressed to me!

The first one contained stickers and postcards from tons of different groups. Not much that I'm going to keep, but if you know any cute metal girlies who like music stickers, well, then I've got a stash to give to them ;-)

The second one felt like a package of CD's. (I open presents... I know what these things feel like!) Inside, 5 CD's. Beck's Sea Change, Sleater-Kinney's One-Beat, Creeper Lagoon Take Back The Universe, and two froum groups that I've never heard of Porcupine Tree In Absentia, and Frank Black and the Catholics Devil's Workshop. Hmm... sounds like i'm going to get my ears blasted with these sooner or later.

Third envelope felt like more CD's, but lo and behold, I got a book! "Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel". Dude. This is the one book that any good member of Dogbert New Ruling Class will go out and buy. And now I have my own copy!

Other stuff. A rubber band bearing the logo of ISYSS. (Oooh.. their postcard shows some real hotties there.) Hmm... a video of Tommy Boy Music Rustic Overtones "C'mon", a couple of WBER station stickers, and a round table interview with Halle Berry from "Die Another Day"

The last one has a t-shirt in it, a chap-stick-on-a-lanyard thingie, a Jon SPencer Blues Explosion placard, and a long, fake rubber nose. (Honestly, I don't want to know why that's there.)

But I'm most impressed with the Dilbert Book.

My day is a whole lot cheerful.


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