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Weekend update
2003-02-18 - 9:11 a.m.

It's 9:11 and for some strange reason I'm actually awake. It's really because I'm supposed to be driving a friend to Geneva to pick up her new car, but that keeps seeming even more unlikeley because she can't get insurance for her car in NJ because of the snow and the state of emergency.

I had a pretty good weekend, with my friend Jeremy coming up on Thursday to spend time at Chez Paul and go to 2 RIT hockey games. I'm a terrible host, and Jeremy gets up far earlier in the morning than I do, so by the time I got up in the morning, he would have already been up for an hour or two and such...

Oh well. Both hockey games were good, RIT spanked Elmira 5-3 on Friday, and then beat up on Hobart 8-4. Friday was Valentine's Day Paperclip Awareness Day. FOr some reason, I found myself in a Hallmark store looking at the various cards to get for friends. Note to self: Do not try to pick up women at Halmark on the 14th of February. If they're they're buying things, it means they have someone already. Not that I tried that or anything, it's just an observation.

Friday night was good. After the win, a bunch of my friends and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings for food. A few of the players showed up too, but hit the bar right away. (And it kinda showed on Saturday too!)

Friday late night was watching Spaceballs at my place. Since we had all seen the movie a few times before, we turned on the Mel Brooks commentary track. The man is just as funny without a small team of writers backing him up! It was funny listening to Mel repeating the same jokes as they went by in the movie. Definitley worth a few (+1, Insightful) moderations on /.

After the hockey game on Saturday, Jeremy, mself, and a bunch of Corner Crew people headed out to Tully's for munchies. The Sabres actually managed to win one as well.

But, that was about it for excitement on the weekend.


Now if I only had excitement, or even a mind numbing job, during the week.



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