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A long time coming.
2003-03-17 - In The Afternoon

This entry has been some time in the making.

Thursday started out as a pretty good day. Decent weather, and a definite networking opportunity in the evening. I went to The August Group / American Diabetes Association wine tasting and networkign event. It was a fruitful evening, I met a few new people, and made a couple of contacts. One of them was a folkie who moved to Rochester from Vermont, so there's another Folkie in Rochester. :-)

After the wine tasting, I got my car back from the garage. I was pissed that I had to pay 35 cents for parking, even though I was in there only a few minutes before the free parking began. *sigh*

After getting my car back, it was a straight drive to RIT for the Sarah Slean concert. I got there at 8:30, and the line wasn't too bad. (Another case of CAB not doing a good job in promoting a show.) At least it wasn't as crowded in there as it was last time. Here's a set list for those of you interested:

Bank Accounts
Me and Jerome
Book Smart, Street Stupid
John the 23rd
Blue Parade
Day One
Score (? A new one to me)
Twin Moon
Sweet Ones
Drastic Measures

I still love going to Sarah's concerts, especially at small intimate venues like the Ritz at RIT. I don't know if it's just me, but I think her range may be opening up on the low end, and she's really picked up some power singing some of the lower range.

But, of course, every nice thing has a dark side. My mom called before the concert. My sister had a stroke. I'd like to think some positive thoughts for her, but I just can't. 8 years is a long time to hold a grudge, but if you were put through the hell that I was put through, you would still hold it too. I hope her boys are ok.


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