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The Search Continues
2003-03-30 - In The Afternoon

oh, Saturday was ever such fun. After not getting called by a friend to help her move, I spent all of Saturday looking at open source content management systems.

While I managed to get PHP-Nuke up and running on my own personal server, I noticed some problems with it. PHPNuke has some minor problems with it. The HREF="">site I want to use it on doesn't post news in a straight order. It doesn't look like Slashcode or Slashdot. I don't want stories to travel "Down" the main page, I kind want them to travel "up." You see, when a featured event comes up, we want it at the top of our page, not the bottom. And since there's no telling when we'll be posting an event, it doesn't make sense to have to be constantly moving it back up to the top when we post a new thing.

I'd probably end up having to re-implement the thing with a Priority Queue or some bugger like that.

So, the search will continue. I'm also going to consider PostNuke, but I think the search will have to continue from that as well.


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