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Good news, bad news, and Fox News.
2003-04-01 - In the wee hours

Good news: I'm now back to regular workouts at the gym. Today I ran a 1/4 mile more than I did last time out. I also ran that extra quarter mile and the other mile and a half with roughly the same pace that I ran the mile and a half in before. (Some people increse intensity, I'm increasing duration)

More good news: I ran into 3 of my friends at the gym, Jenn who I've known from Players for a long time. Plus, 2 former cow orkers who are also hitting the gym now. It's nice to see them here.

Bad news: Tonight, the "Service Engine Soon" light came on in my car. Yeah, that's just what I need now. Another breakdown in my car. Like I can afford that.Fox News: I was subjected to the worst 35 minutes of television that I think I have ever seen. The TV in front of my workout station was set to Fox News. I had to put up with that ultra conservative crap for the 35 minutes that I was on the machine. (There wasn't all that much else to look at, sure I could have looked at somebody else, but it probably would have creeped out the cute women who were there.) I mean, there's the propaganda machine, and then there's the propaganda machine. One segment during the broadcast was devoted to lambasting Jesse Jackson when he indicated that he would not be traveling to the middle east to search for 2 missing American reporters (as their families requested.) No shit! There's a war going on over there! I wouldn't want to be traveling there right now, and I can tell you for sure that you won't find the President, the Vice President, or any member of congress heading over there to look for 2 missing reporters. I'm surprised there wasn't much mention of the President's tax cut going through Congress, with an estimated $75 billion cost for the war,or some few hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts (mostly aimed at the already wealthy.) Yeah, that's fiscal responsibility for you right there... I'd rather tax and spend then not tax and deficit spend.


Oh well. Back to reality. And off to the repair shop tomorrow.


Hosted by Diaryland