Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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And we're back.
2003-07-13 - Late At Night

Okay, so yeah, it's been a while. Soory. Haven't had a whole lot to say. So, let's get you caught up with what's been going on.

I'm considering buying a car. I'm looking at a Honda Civic Hybrid. Partially because I like the Civic, and partially because of the gas mileage, but mostly because of the tax credits being offered by the state and the federal government for buying the car.

Now that tha's all aside, my weekend. It started Friday with a drive down to go see Weird Al. I apprecieate the performance, but not the presentation. I'm not saying that Weird Al was bad, I'm saying that he would ahve been a lot better if I could understand what he was saying. Either the acoustics in the place sucked royally, or there was something seriously wrong with mixing the sound. It was LOUD. Contrary to popular belief, playing something loud does not make it better. Second, there was some major interference on the mid ranges. It was especially brutal for any song that had a high-range hit, like brass hit, saxophone, tambourine from the drum set, or any such thing. I'd love to fire off an e-mail to Weird Al, but it seems like his website is without an e-mail address to contact him. There is a snail-mail address however, and I might use that instead, if I feel motivated enough to do that.

After the Weird Al concert, and a trip home, and a shower, and a shave, and all that good stuff, I hung out with my friend Steph. We spent a lot of time in Syracuse, went all through the Carousel Mall, then over to Dinosaur Bar-B-Que for dinner.

I even showed her around Rome today. She can't live here. "Too small. Well, Paul's here. Maybe for that. Dunno." *hee*

And that is how my weekend went. Oh yeah, my tenant hasn't paid her rent for the month yet. Damn it. That's $600 I'd like to have sitting in my bank account getting ready to be used as a down payment for my new car. Thankfully, I was smart enough to keep the envelope that her first payment came in. I hate to have to demand money from the parents (especially because I have no legal standing to do so), but they are a definite contact point.


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