Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Mischmobile is Dead. Long live the Hybrid!
2003-08-18 - In The Morning

And now for something for your amusement.

I'm getting a new car, right? Well, on Sunday I decided to take the Mischmobile for one last spin. Worked fine. Had a little trouble starting her, but she got underway. Made it to Syracuse, in fact. I did my shopping there, then came home.

This morning, I got a call from a cow orker whose car broke down on him. I figured Sure! I can give him a ride! Car started yesterday, should start today, right?


Mischmobile didn't want to move. Maybe it was the heavy morning dew. maybe it was the humiliaion of being paseed by a Chevy Nova on the Thruway the day before. Nobody really knows.

As far as I'm concerned, she's dead. I'll be sending her packing for the great recycling bin in he sky soon.

Of course, this is going to happen because on Saturday, my car dealer called me and told me that my new car had arrived on the lot. :-D

Boo. Yah.


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