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Driving stories
2003-08-21 - In The Afternoon

And sometimes driving can just suck.

But not in my new car. :-D

These stories are from just before I got my new car.

I had been sitting at a red light waiting for it to change. I was in the left hand turn lane, third car back. The car in the front of the line decided he wanted to go right instead. So, he made a right on red from the left-turn lane.

That's not nearly as bad as what happened next. After the light turned green, the motorcycle in front of me went straight through the intersection (which is okay because no lane is actually marked "straight". As I made a left turn through the intersection a moment later, a little old lady headed to bingo night ran the red light and made a left turn directly in front of me. I slammed on my brakes and hit the horn. Little old lady didn't even flinch. It would have been one thing if the light had just turned green and she was clearing the intersection and I was the first car through, but I wasn't. I was the second vehicle.

Of course, this is not nearly as bad as what I saw alter that night. 2 girls in the front seat of a car, baby in a car seat in the back. Car seat not strapped down. They were stopped at a stopligt, and I could see the baby seat rocking up and down.


People like that should not be allowed to breed.


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