Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
Diary Rings
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2003-11-30 - At Night

Ahh, it's almost that time of year again. Time to celebrate my seeing another revolution of the earth around the sun. Yes, I'm gettig old. I'm now going to be closer to 30 than I am to 20.

Twenty five years. What have I learned?

I've learned that life isn't going anywhere right now. I've given and given and given, yet haven't found anything for myself. Nothing lasting anyways. I spent part of my weekend with two friends of mine who are very deeply in love with each other. They were talking about having little babies running around and it made me kind of sad. Later in the day, one of my friends essentially delivered me an invitation to their wedding. While it's great to finally be invited to a friends wedding, it made me more sad because I keep on seeing my friends running off and getting married left and right.

And I feel so left out

And then RIT lost the hockey game, and that made me even more depressed.

So I was walking around Wegmans after the game, searching for something to give for the holidays. Candy. Even found these cute little bags to put it in. After the shopping, I was trying to convince myself that it was time to go back to Rome. Emphasis on the to Rome portion. Notice it wasn't time to go home, it was time to go to Rome. It's just not sinking on me that this is home.


Having a counselor out here would be great. Having more friends out here would be better.


Hosted by Diaryland