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DJ Misch
2002-03-02 - Early in the afternoon

I have a new respect for real DJ's. (The kind that actually sit at the control board and fiddle with all the songs and such.)

In order to have music for the RIT/Hobart hockey game last night, we had to be consistent and have music at all the games. Unfortunatley, our regular corner crew DJ Hawk works during the day. Friday afternoon's game thus needed a DJ. Big Goon and I were pressed into service to play the music. (Well, Big Goon really was, but I got roped into it later.) Thankfully Hawk stopped by and gave us some basic pointers on how to use the equipment, as well as lending us his Hockey Mix CD's to use.

It's a whole heck of a lot different doing the sound for the game. You have to pick the song from the song list, cue it up to the right point, know when the whistle blows, and when to start the track. You have to pay attention to Stickboy and Big Goon who very well may want to do a cheer instead of you playing a song.

Goals? Penalties? Luckily Hawk thought ahead and made the first 4 tracks of each disc be goal music, followed by 2 for penalties, and 1 more for fights (Fighting isn't allowed in NCAA Hockey).

I had to do the first few minutes of the RIT/Hobart game on my own, before Hawk showed up to take over. Boy, did I get strange looks for playing "Jump Jive' an' Wail' for the first non-cheer stoppage.

It's nervous to be on the spot, but I'd like to think that Big Goon and I did a good job for it.

Any hockey fans from the game out there have an opinion? Drop a note in the guestbook.


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