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The Car - One Week Later
2003-08-26 - In The Morning

So, it's been a week since I got A New Car! I love the car, I love driving it. I hate paying the insurance bills on it. *sigh*

The new car is a pleasure to drive. Well, most everywhere. The open road might be the cars only weakness. With a maximum output of 93 horsepower, it takes a little while to get her up to highway speeds. But other than that, once she's up there, I can set the cruise control and go flying down the road at *cough* *cough* 70 *cough* with no problem.

One thing I'm mildly pissed off about is EZ-Pass being slower than molasses running uphill in a snowstorm about getting me some new velcro strips for my E-Z Pass tag. I dug up some velcro dots that might be sufficient to hold the tag up, but I would really like to get the real strips for it. A trip to the Syracuse service center may be in order.

As I was saying, the car is just fun to drive. There's actually 2 Honda Civic Hybrids here at work now. Yesterday, we ended up parked in adjacent spaces for the first time. I wouldn't mind finding out who it is, but I have no clue. We'll start the Rome Chapter of the Honda Civic Hybrid Car Club. (Members: 2)

Ahh, yes, it's fun. But, I'd better get back to work.


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