Someone Somewhere
Last Time Out . In The Past . Back To The Future
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Clearwater - Day 0
2003-06-20 - 10 PM

Well, here I am again. The clouds are leaving thier pitter patter of little drops behind. I can hear them as they hit the rain fly of my tent. Outside my tent, I can hear the camp coming to life, the sounds of the drum circles, the performances coming from the lodge. Boom-boom-ba-boom-boom the drums tap out their incessant rythmn.

It's something I've truly missed. The chance to refresh the batteries of my soul. It's time for Clearwater again.

The biggest difference between this year and last year is driving down here on my own. Aside from a little road rage from a trucker, the drive down was pretty uneventful.

After checking in and setting up my tent, I took a walk down to the Hudson River. It looked much as I remembered it from last year. When I was standing there last year, all I could think about was Billy Joel singing "New York State Of Mind."

I didn't think of that this year. What was on my mind was change, and how much things had changed for me in that year. One year ago, I was an underemployed college graduate, working as a secretary. Four months later, I was an unemployed college graduate, desperatley trying to find something, anything to cling to or find validation in.

So, there I stood along the banks of the river. The college graduate with a new job under his belt, staring out over the misty fog that covered the Hudson River, ready to take on the challenges of the new world that lay before him.


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